As Cerby advances and transforms, our brand must reflect our bold vision. Today, we are thrilled to share Cerby’s new brand identity which emphasizes our commitment to modernizing identity security in the digital world.

The Cerby name has been foundational to our culture, mindset and work since our inception. The name is inspired by the three-headed dog from Greek mythology which guards the gates of the underworld. Cerby symbolizes the boundary between the world of the living and the dead and the criticality of maintaining the natural order to prevent chaos from occurring.

Disconnected Applications Also Need Identity Security
We envision a world where identity security meets its true potential, particularly in addressing the problematic disconnected (“non-standard”) applications that exist in every organization. Organizations are evolving to a point where their teams are becoming more decentralized, and the procurement and usage of applications are also becoming more disjointed and complex. As we fulfill our vision, we aim to secure organizations, their applications, services and users with a best in class identity security solution which addresses disconnected and connected applications. 

Identity Automations For Last Mile Security Tasks
A core part of our vision encapsulates the reality that security can become simpler for all parties involved. Cerby’s approach changes the model by focusing on the last mile, end user security tasks which are manual today. Cerby’s identity automations focus on seamlessly addressing key security tasks so that the reliance is no longer on the end users needing to recall which steps they are supposed to take to protect themselves and their organization. Our approach empowers end users to efficiently accomplish their best work simply and securely. 

Herding the Gaps in the Identity Stack
The transformation of our brand highlights our broad vision to hunt down and address the gaps in every identity stack. The current state challenges exist across the entire identity stack and Cerby’s aim is to tackle these gaps head on by leveraging a unique approach with a powerful set of identity automations which address disconnected applications that do not support authentication or user management standards like SAML, OIDC, SCIM or lack APIs.

Empowering Lines of Business and IT / Security Teams
Industry analysts have made it clear that the procurement of new applications and services will continue to become more decentralized over the next 5 years which make all of the above challenges more acute. In a very unique way, Cerby’s approach has empowered lines of business to be more effective by use of its identity automations, and at the same time delighting the IT and Security teams who are looking for a fresh approach to protecting their organization.

Modernizing our Own Identity as we Aim to Modernize Identity Security
The shift in Cerby’s brand identity highlights our intensity as we increasingly recognize that the broader market clearly is becoming increasingly captivated by our solutions. We have a heightened awareness of the potential threats on the horizon and are adapting at a radical pace to address these new challenges with vigilance to protect our customers with a best in class solution. The new look and feel of our brand exemplifies our modern approach and calls to the focus, alertness and protective nature that’s at our core, represented by the Cerby name.

Looking Forward for Cerby
The update to our brand is a strong representation which reflects our culture and focus on protecting and doing what is best for our customers. All of this underscores the focus we have on providing the most modern, secure, scalable, and performant solution to address these challenges. Very rapidly you’ll notice that our enhanced identity will be seen in our wider digital presence, content, and overarching interactions with all of our stakeholders. To our internal teams, customers, partners, advisors and investors, we are incredibly grateful for you, and we’re committed to the continued focus, strength and protection which Cerby represents.