Tackling the Last Mile Problem in Zero Trust

In cybersecurity, the last mile problem continues to challenge organizations striving to implement a comprehensive zero trust strategy. Nonstandard and disconnected applications often fall outside the scope of traditional Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, creating significant vulnerabilities. These gaps can lead to security incidents, data breaches, and increased operational costs.

 The Challenge: Nonstandard Applications and Human Dependency 

Organizations rely heavily on many applications that do not support standard identity protocols like SAML, SCIM, and OIDC. These nonstandard (or disconnected) apps, combined with human operators managing access manually, introduce multiple security risks: 

  • Risky User-Controlled Access: Without automated controls, users might set and share weak passwords or forget to remove access for former employees.
  • Stale Privileged Credentials: Manual processes often result in outdated and insecure credentials.
  • Labor-Intensive Compliance Challenges: Ensuring compliance through manual tasks is time-consuming and error-prone. 

Join Me for the RSA Webcast 

To explore these strategies further and provide a practical blueprint for implementing full-circle zero trust, I invite you to attend a talk I am hosting, "Full-Circle Zero Trust: Ensuring No App is Left Behind in Your IAM Strategy" on May 29, 2024, at 1 PM ET / 10 AM PT. 

What You Will Learn

During this session, you will gain:

  • A clear understanding of the risks associated with nonstandard and disconnected applications.
  • Practical insights into IAM best practices, including automated provisioning, deprovisioning, and recertification.
  • Strategies to ensure no application remains an outlier in your zero trust strategy.

 Register Now

 Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to implement a comprehensive zero trust strategy that secures every application.

For more information and to register, visit the RSA webcast registration page. I look forward to seeing you there!