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How Much Are Disconnected
Apps Costing You?

Fill in the details below to find out!


On average, how many employees and contractors do you onboard per year?

On average, how many hours does it take to manually provision access to disconnected applications for each new employee or contractor?

7 is the average number of hours it takes to provision credentials based on research from the Ponemon Institute.


On average, how many employees and contractors do you offboard per year?

On average, how many hours does it take to manually provision access to disconnected applications for each former employee or contractor?

8 is the average number of hours it takes to deprovision access based on research from the Ponemon Institute.

Incident response

On average, how many hours does it take to investigate and remediate disconnected application-specific security incidents per week?

Potential cost savings

Estimated annual savings by automating disconnected application access management

Onboarding costs
Offboarding costs
Cost to investigate and remediate cybersecurity incidents
Connect with the Cerby Team to Start Saving